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E-Commerce Solutions

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  • E-Commerce Solutions

E-Commerce Development provides of the buying and selling of products or services over Web. The electronic trading has grown extraordinarily with widespread Internet usage.

E – Commerce

E-commerce is conducted using a variety of applications, such as email, fax, online catalogs and shopping carts, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), File Transfer Protocol, and Web services.
Intoxia Technologies has its core proficiency in providing Ecommerce Solutions. We develop professional and specialized end to end e-commerce solution that incorporates everything from online product directory through payment solution and order implementation.
Whether you are looking for a new e-commerce website or for improving your existing e-commerce website, we provide you with the necessary solutions which turn your online business into a success.

Our works can be broadly categorized into the following:

  • Shopping cart systems
  • Content Management System
  • B2B e-commerce Portal
  • B2C e-commerce Portal
  • Customized Web Applications
  • Payment Processing Gateways
  • Credit card authorization solutions

Some features of our e-commerce solutions are:

  • Home Page & Other static pages of the website
  • Logos and Banners
  • Search catalog for products/manufacturers
  • User Access Control
  • Content Management
  • E-mail notifications
  • Credit card authorization solutions
  • SMS notifications
  • Payment Gateway Integration (e.g. PayPal/Credit Card)
  • Advanced Security Options
  • Product reviews by customers
  • Shipping gateway integration
  • User Friendly Admin Control Panel
  • Various report generation on the site
  • Ubiquity
  • Global Reach
  • Universal Standards
  • Richness
  • Interactivity
  • Information Density